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How is Raschel blanket maintained
Source: Nihone Electronics     Release Time:2023-10-18     Reads: 261Times
If the hair of a blanket is not soft after washing it with water, what method is used to clean the blanket?
1. In the laundry tub, use a neutral soap tablet or high-level laundry powder to form a light soap solution of about 20 degrees. After the blanket is soaked in clean water, gently squeeze out the water and put it into the soap solution. Knead, wash, and rinse repeatedly with water.
2, if it is a pure blanket, you can put about one or two white vinegar in the last wash, so that the washed blanket will be as bright as new.
3, after rinsing, roll up the blanket, press it lightly, drain the water, and then use a brush to trim the fluff into the original square shape.
4. It is best to use two bamboo poles to hang the drying blanket in parallel, and then place the blanket on top of it in a cool place to dry in the shade and avoid direct exposure in the sun to prevent the blanket from discoloring and deforming.
5. It is best to use a brush to dry the blanket again to restore the original soft feel and appearance of the blanket.
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